Save Google Maps for Offline Use

save google maps for offline use
Google Maps are by far the best in class when it comes to navigation. Google Maps are no doubt very helpful to most of the people. Google maps provides the users with the most accurate results.You can navigate places, Search and find places.It also helps you in reaching a particular place according to the users mode of transport be it walking ,driving or public transports system. Google Maps also shows the estimated time required to reach the destination .Google’s new street view helps users to see the 3D view of some places.  But these all require internet. You needed to be connected to the Internet to access all these features. But what if you are running short on your data and internet connection? Ever  thought of using Google maps offline? Think its imposible? Well here’s a simple trick which you can do to actually save your maps for offline use.

Saving Google Map By Finding Area Using Search Bar

  1. First tap the search bar and then search for a place.
  2. Now you will see the place name at bottom, tap the bar at the google maps for offline use
  3. Click on the More Option Button ( 3 Dotted button) on top right.(See the picture)save google maps for offline use
  4. It will ask you to Pan and Zoom to adjust  after doing that tap Save option available at the bottom and give a name to your offline

Saving Google Map By Finding Area Manually

  1. First move the map to the location you want to save for offline use.
  2. Then tap on Search bar available at the top.
  3. Don’t write anything, just scroll to the bottom and you will find Save map to use offline.
  4. It will ask you to Pan and Zoom to adjust. After doing that, tap Save available at the bottom and give a name to your offline map.

How To Access Saved Google Maps offline

To access the saved maps, first open Google Maps, then sweep the menu bar from the google maps for offline useNow tap onYour Place. If you are using your data connection, you need to scroll down to the bottom to find View all and manage.Otherwise without the data connection, it will be available at the top. Here you will find your saved google maps for offline use
  • Area must not be too large.
  • The saved areas in offline Google Maps are automatically cleared after 30 days.
  • Location services will be very slow due to no data connection while using offline Google Map.
  • Since you don’t have a data connection, you won’t be able to perform step-by-step navigation in offline Google Map.


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